Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Go Here Again

I'm walking backwards again
I can feel the loose gravel 
I can sense the plunge
I need to believe in the tied shoe
I need to not look back
I'm floating between land and air
I can hover on the current
It takes me into the heaviness
I am here hung like a wet pair of jeans
I barely move to dry when the wind blows me
I'm walking backwards again

Friday, May 30, 2008


Sadness seeping in again
its not even raining
I could justify the soaking
if only I could reason why?
Why, can I never be truely happy?! 
Am I to suffer in my self loathing?
Am I to wander in this fog of smiles and nods?
What about the human spirit, the dreamer and lover
its as if they are on an endless path 
to stubborn to stop and try something new, find a different escape
Always the same thing and in circles no less
I hate circles, they make me vomit
Sigh, I just want to vomit.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Impossible Lawn

mow the grass
shoe stained mass
clumps of green
fragrent scene
zig zag weaves
motor heaves
thick and lush
mowers hush

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

..."Summer, summer, summer..."

It feels like that scene from Highschool Musical 2. It's sticky, it's shiny and the day is screaming Summer! I can't wait for the ho hum of life to not be school. I'm so tired of the drama my son seems to be dealing with. I know it will continue on next year as the classmates will be the same 'little darlings' they are now. *Sigh* I just want to have lazy mornings in jammies with waffle sticks. Come on summer, summer, summer.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tackling Weeds

Weeding today. It was refreshing to get back to my Virgo senses and take care of the Earth. I battled the weed from hell today. I'll be battling it all week it appears. While I take weeds out , my senile old neighbor plants them , tends to them, makes a nice border of weed buddies. She's insane, it's nice. My finger tips are so sore that even typing is a chore. I found myself wandering off in thought today while weeding. Thinking about my mixed up life and how the two are alike. I'm so filled with my own weeds , my body a garden left in ruin. I wish I could find the key, like a little girl exploring, behind some rocky wall; I'd unlock the vine door and enter once again into my secret garden, my soul.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I've missed so many months here because I couldn't remember a password. Oh well, I'm back and trying to figure out   this new layout.