Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tackling Weeds

Weeding today. It was refreshing to get back to my Virgo senses and take care of the Earth. I battled the weed from hell today. I'll be battling it all week it appears. While I take weeds out , my senile old neighbor plants them , tends to them, makes a nice border of weed buddies. She's insane, it's nice. My finger tips are so sore that even typing is a chore. I found myself wandering off in thought today while weeding. Thinking about my mixed up life and how the two are alike. I'm so filled with my own weeds , my body a garden left in ruin. I wish I could find the key, like a little girl exploring, behind some rocky wall; I'd unlock the vine door and enter once again into my secret garden, my soul.

1 comment:

Lia said...

How profound! I too get lost in my own weeds. And then I go for a cup of coffee and it's like an organic weed killer to give me a moment of clarity. Thanks for sharing and coming back to the blog world.