Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"...And I , I took the path most (geocached) on at that has made all the difference."

Nature is really amazing. I drive up and down and all around what appears to be greenery. In a sea of interstates, highways, biways, condominiums, and shopping plazas one could forget that the green stuff, well its not spinach in your teeth, it's actually nature. I found out today how far an overweight , under paid, house mom can hike, walk, stop and smell the Queen's Anne's Lace. I've never been opposed to the art of geocaching; it is afterall, a good way to find some exercise and have an adventure. Today, my son and I went on a field study for our summer school science class. I started my day with what I thought would be a series of very easy hikes to and around playgrounds. What I found, was some pretty advanced hiking up rocky-rooty trails and alongside bogs and lakes. I saw my son's Wii glazed expression transform into what I believe was a human being again. His excitement to discover treasures and unseen forest glades was so intoxicating I thought I had some how turned 7yrs. old again. There I was showing my son the proper way to use gravity to roll down a freshly mowed hill. Only to remember mid hill that once you get going there is only one way to stop. Splat! That is the sound a 30yr. old makes in the woods. Hoomph! And that is the sound her 7yr. old makes landing on top of her. I relived the glory days after that. I splashed in criks, I jumped over stones and tree trunks, I squished moss between my fingers, I chased pollywogs around in the bog. I even convinced my son to stop and smell the daylilies. Admist the lilies were so many different butterflies. It was truely a rainbow to tickle the senses. We even had time to picnic. Today I'm glad I chose the path less travelled because it did make all the difference for my son. 
If you too would like an adventure check out your own local geocaching sites . Just type in geocaching in your search engine. As for any locals in York, PA. Join the summer reading program and you too can join the bug hunt. Happy Hunting!

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