Thursday, June 5, 2008

I WANT TO RANT but I wont

I want so badly to complain about finacial shit, but as I know everyone is in the same boat, and I am quite sick of hearing myself complain, I will instead do something unheard of :
Thank you God for my home
Thank you God for a job
Thank you God for someone or many ones to love
Thank you God for being loved
Thank you God for leftovers and any food I have
Thank you God for laughter especially the insane kind
Thank you God for my senial old neighbor who makes me meet someone new everyday
Thank you God for a functional car 
Thank you for the spare change to buy gas with
Thank you for a hard working husband 
Thank you for everything I would otherwise be bitching about
Oh yea, Thank you for life

1 comment:

Lia said...

Boy did I need to read this today. Thank you for your honesty. I too realize I must be more grateful.

As I drove around with old jewlery trying to get a good price for it to pay some bills, I thank God for the van I drive and Jewlery I have to sell. I also thank God for my health, family and home.

Mostly I thank God for blogs like this that help keep us grounded.